Tuesday, July 19, 2011


One of my favorite Pa-words is "looka." (Look + ah). It usually means "look at this" or "look at me" and it drives grandma nuts. I can remember her telling him, "its look, not looka." I'm not sure how its spelled but I am sure he uses it at times just to make her nuts and make me giggle. It's a little like how he said Home Depot. Most of us pronouce it  home d-poh but he always said deh-poh (okay its hard to explain it in words but I hope that makes sense). I'm fairly certain he is capapble of saying it correctly but it wasnt his habit and ya know, it makes grandma nuts.

Any other good Pa words out there?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Side trip to grandma's family

So grandma asked me to find out more about her mom, Maria Pons.

Maria married Blas Ramirez and they had 12 kids (Rolgelio, Elena, Delia, Jose, Hector, Berta, Miguel,
Frank, Umberto, Alicia (GRANDMA!), Armando, and Antonio.

Maria had 3 siblings: Amparo "Alice," Juan, and Vehillo. Their parents were Miguel Pons and Francsia Acosta.

Miguel had one sister, Teesar.

Francsia had 4 siblings: Domingo, Candonga, Teresa, Maria.

Miguel Pons' parents were Miguel Pons and Maria Ferrer. Miguel Sr was born in France of the Guimera family.

Francsia Acosta's parents were Juan Acosta and Ignacia Cordova. Juan Acosta was also married to Maria Ferrer (before Miguel Pons Sr was (as far as I can tell)). Juan is of the Delgado family, Ignacia is of the Toledo family.

Grandma's Dad's side:

Her dad was Blas Ramirez. He had 5 siblings: Jose, Eloisa (grandma loved her), Dolores, Abel, and Enriqueta (grandma didnt like her, queta. had a daughter conchita (?) who had a daughter, andrea who went to kindergarden with my dad, she was a dancer, cousins).

Blas's parents where Jose (a shoemaker/repair who lived on Bahama St in Key West) and Gregonia.

Blas' family is from the Canary Islands and his mother's name was Consergera of Cuba